25 — 48 of 59 properties<> Cleveland 68 Passage Street 3 2 2 $790,000 Manly 44 Wellington Street 5 3 3 Manly West 26 Talwong Street 4 1 3 Mount Cotton 43 Sugarglider Court 4 5 5 Ormiston 29 Hope Street 4 2 4 $1.52M Ormiston 3 Sturgeon Street 4 3 2 $1.9M Ormiston 18 Morris Street 5 5 3 Ormiston 46/164-172 Wellington Street 2 2 1 Ormiston 29/124-132 Wellington Street 3 1 1 $530,000 Raby Bay 32 Caravel Court 5 3 3 Raby Bay 8 Captains Court 4 2 3 $2.63M Raby Bay 24 Piermont Place 5 3 2 $3.05M Raby Bay 3 Binnacle Close 4 3 2 Raby Bay 10 Beaufort Court 4 3 3 Raby Bay 6 Piermont Place 4 3 2 $2.3M Raby Bay 45/13-14 Esperance Court 3 2 1 $880,000 Raby Bay 14 Captains Court 5 3 2 Raby Bay 11 Compass Court 5 3 3 Raby Bay 40 Sommersea Drive 4 2 5 Raby Bay 18 Nautilus Drive 5 4 2 $2.8M Raby Bay 16 Piermont Place 4 2 2 Raby Bay 43/13-14 Esperance Court 3 2 1 $870,000 Redland Bay 47 The Boulevard 5 2 3 $1.1M Redland Bay 6 The Rampart 4 3 3 25 — 48 of 59 properties<>